DFG and MKG celebrate Free Press Day: We will continue the honorable struggle

  • actual
  • 16:54 6 September 2024
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AMED - DFG and MKG celebrated Free Press Day and declared: “We will continue to protect the honorable struggle of the Kurdish press and women journalists and bring the truth to the public.” 

Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) and Mezopotamya Women Journalists Association (MKG) made a written statement on Free Press Day. Referring to the struggle of the Kurdish press throughout history, the statement emphasized that journalists are subjected to many pressures today. 
Noting that the spread of the Kurdish struggle to the Middle East marked a new beginning for Kurdish journalism, the statement said: “The oppression and persecution of the Kurds was either invisible in the international arena or seen in a way that was far from the truth. This huge gap was filled by journalists who defended the tradition of free press. The Kurdish and Turkish newspapers and magazines published under the leadership of Musa Anter and Gurbetelli Ersöz grew Kurdish journalism in waves. This was also the continuation of the free press tradition. Özgür Gündem and Azadiya Welat became the continuers of the Kurdish press tradition. The martyrs of the press, who ensured the success of the free press tradition, became heroes who illuminated our path. Dozens of Kurdish journalists sacrificed their lives for the sake of truth. Apê Musa, Gurbetelli Ersöz, Cengiz Altun, Hüseyin Deniz, Hafız Akdemir and dozens of companions became the pioneers of the free press and Kurdish press.” 
The statement underlined that press workers from past to present have faced detentions, arrests, closure of their institutions and assassination attempts and said: “Kurdish women journalists, in particular, have paid the heaviest price in this difficult process and have become the symbol of press freedom by standing against oppression. We are proud of their resistance and determination to struggle. We pay tribute to journalists Gülistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn, who were murdered in Sulaymaniyah, and reiterate our determination to carry the flag of struggle they left behind. Despite the attacks, the struggle for a free press will not be stopped. Free press volunteers have perhaps paid the greatest price. The guardians of the truth wrote the truth, sometimes between four walls, sometimes at the cost of their lives. Courage, determination and insistence on truth found meaning with truth volunteers. Thanks to them and their followers, the struggle for truth has not ended. The excitement of the first day continues today.
As journalists who defend the tradition of a free press, we emphasize once again that we will never compromise our understanding of a free press against all these attacks and pressures. We will continue to support the honorable struggle of the Kurdish press and women journalists and to bring the truth to the public. Defending freedom of the press means protecting the public's right to receive accurate news. Acting with this awareness, we will raise the voice of the free press tradition and continue our resistance against the oppression. We congratulate all free press laborers on Free Press Day and greet with respect the martyrs of the free press and the meaning of the Free Press.”