7 people detained during home raids

  • actual
  • 13:01 22 September 2023
  • |
ISTANBUL - 7 people were detained in raids in Istanbul and Izmir.
Law Office of the Oppressed (EHB) published a post on its official social media account and announced that Hacer Elçin, Özgür Tosun, Anıl Kaplan, Hatice Aksu, Özcan Barçın and Arda Özdoğan were detained by the police during home raids in the morning, and a detention order was issued for their client Semiha Şahin.
It was reported that Gülçin Aykul was detained in Izmir and brought to Istanbul.
Stating that computers and phones were seized during the raids, EHB shared the information that the operation was carried out within the scope of the statements of the confessing witness Onur Demir.