Letter to prisoners from youth in summer camp

  • youth
  • 12:15 31 July 2024
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NEWS CENTER - Young Struggle's 2024 summer camp continued with panels, workshops and presentations. Young people participating in the camp wrote letters to political prisoners in Kurdistan and Turkey.
Socialist youth organization Young Struggle organized workshops and panels as part of its traditional European summer camp in Germany this year. Young people from 7 different countries gathered at the camp and discussed the situation of the youth movement in Europe. 
Speaking at the panel, Young Struggle Europe Co-Chair Kardelen Ezgi said, “We should evaluate the general political developments in Europe, touch the lives of young people, and show that the only way against poverty and war is an organized life.” 
The panelists sent their greetings to the young people struggling all over the world, especially those resisting in Kurdistan and Palestine.
After the panel, the youth came together in various workshops. This year's camp included more than 20 workshops on Kurdish, ecology, graffiti, theater, agitation, salsa, self-defense, halay and Marxism.
Also in the camp, discussions were held on the “Women's Revolution” taking place in North and East Syria. Presentations were made with different groups on women's uprisings throughout history, LGBTI+, the struggle for freedom, different ideologies and criticisms within the feminist movement, sexism in daily life and the role of communist men in the struggle for women's freedom. After the panels and workshops, the youth sang workers' anthems and revolutionary folk songs in Spanish, Bosnian, German, Kurdish and French.
During the rest of the camp program, the Voice of Prisoners Platform (TSP) organized a workshop with young people. In the workshop, what is TSP, The importance of solidarity with prisoners from Europe was discussed. After the discussion, a call for solidarity with political prisoners was made. After the workshop, the youth wrote letters to political prisoners in Turkey and Kurdistan.