DBB held its first 'strategic plan' meeting with women

  • women
  • 15:41 1 July 2024
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AMED - Amed Metropolitan Municipality, which is trying to create a 5-year strategic plan by meeting with the city dynamics, held its first meeting with women.
Amed (Diyarbakır) Metropolitan Municipality administration, which is trying to prepare the 2025-2029 strategic plan in partnership with city dynamics, continues its work within this scope. The work, which started on June 6 with separate meetings with mukhtars in 17 districts, continues with stands set up at many points of the city center to receive citizens' demands and suggestions, and "People's Days" in front of the Metropolitan Municipality. Within the scope of the strategic plan studies, which will continue until Friday, July 5 and are expected to be completed in September, "Focus Group" meetings have also started.
The first of the "Focus Group" meetings was started today at the Culture and Congress Center with women's non-governmental organizations. At the meeting attended by Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Serra Bucak, department heads and representatives of women's non-governmental organizations in the city, Bucak pointed out the importance of Focus Group meetings for them. Reminding that they emphasized that Amed would become a women's city again during the election campaign, Bucak said: "Thinking about all the projects we could not do in the last 8 years, all the new works, and the areas we will work together, we said that Amed will become a women's city again. We carried out a study on strengthening women's employment, strengthening women's counseling centers and the area of combating violence against women, not only on the projects of Amed Metropolitan Municipality, but also in the 4 central districts and other outer districts."
Sharing the information that in the previous administrations, 58 percent of the budget was allocated to roads and development, but the lowest budget was allocated to the field of women's policies, "We want to put forward a study in which a larger budget is allocated to the field of women's studies and social services in the 2025-2029 Strategic Plan" Bucak said.
Representatives of women's non-governmental organizations presented their problems and suggested solutions to the problems at the meeting. Women representatives wanted the municipality to take an active role in violence against women and to strengthen and increase the number of women's shelters.
Pointing out that poverty is a social problem, women asked the municipality to work to provide vocational training and job opportunities to women within the framework of joint protocols with the business world. 
Representatives of non-governmental organizations suggested establishing women's health centres, anti-violence networks against violence against women, centers against drug use, establishing nurseries in workplaces, opening soup kitchens, establishing village houses that will provide women with education and vocational skills, and establishing women's libraries.