Anti-fascist bloc move from HDP

İSTANBUL – Announcing that they have started their anti-fascist move as the HDP against the Apartheid regime, HDP Spokesperson Ebru Günay said: "We invite everyone who is uncomfortable with this fascist approaches in Turkey to take their place in the Anti-fascist bloc and help create a democratic country."
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Party Spokesperson Ebru Günay held a press conference at the Istanbul Provincial Organization building after the Central Executive Board (MYK) meeting they held yesterday in Istanbul.
Commenting on the agenda, Günay said, “We are dealing with a racism that has become more and more systematic against the Kurdish people, language, culture, values ​​and existence in recent times, which you all follow closely. After the attack on seasonal agricultural workers in Sakarya, a Kurdish construction worker was killed in Afyon as a result of a racist attack. The same mentality banned the Kurdish language in Van and removed road signs in Kurdish.
Halkların Demokratik Partisi (HDP) Parti Sözcüsü Ebru Günay, dün İstanbul’da gerçekleştirdikleri Merkez Yürütme Kurulu (MYK) toplantısı sonrası partilerinin İstanbul İl Örgütü binasında basın toplantısı düzenledi. These are both the same kind of people, those who attack the Kurd because of their language and those who can not stand their existance. I want to start from the biggest problem that plagued this country with racism. Yes, racism is an organized structure in Turkey, and racism is being carefully protected by the state. The government comes and goes but racism stays. Racism in Turkey doesn't bother hiding itself. It's out in the open."
Party Spokesperson Günay also stated that "murderers" were created who are fed by blood and hatred, for the 'survival' of the state. Günay said: "There is an Apartheid regime established in Turkey. This is crystal clear. The only way to prevent this is to unite around an anti-fascist bloc. We know who carries out these racist attacks. They are not just some tugs. If you want to see who is behind these attack you have to pay attention to the statements of the governorates, the statements of the spokespeople of the government, you have to pay attention to nationalist newspaper headlines, to the laws defending trigger happy tugs, you have to pay attention to the judiciary that doesn't recognize its own laws, the judiciary that protects the perpetrators. The state and the current executives of the state, the AKP-MHP bloc, which has created a system that desires not only to poison the individuals, but also the society, are among the main sources that produce the evils we have mentioned."
Stating that everyone living in this country except for a handful of a minority protected by the ruling party is in danger, Günay said: "Everyone can be the subject of these attacks. The attacks are getting bolder and wider. The only way to prevent this is a joint struggle. To unite around a anti-fascist bloc. All developments and past experiences have put this before us as a duty. We invite everyone who is uncomfortable with this fascist approaches in Turkey to take their place in the Anti-fascist bloc and help create a democratic country. We will succeed, our people, the oppressed and the labourers will succeed."