'Ideas of Abdullah Öcalan in every sphere of life'

  • actual
  • 22:12 29 August 2024
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ŞIRNEX/ ISTANBUL - Reading passages from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan's defenses, women gave the message “Despite the isolation, Abdullah Öcalan's ideas are in every sphere of life."

A reading event was held in Gundikê Melê (Balveren) town in the central district of Şirnex (Şırnak) as part of the “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue” campaign. Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Assembly member Nurten Üzümcü, Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Şirnex Provincial Co-Chair Nurcan Altürk, Gundikê Melê Town Municipality Co-Mayor Gülsün Atak and many women attended the reading event organized by the Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinen Azad-TJA).
In the opening speech of the event, TJA activist Adalet Fidan talked about the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. Noting that the isolation was imposed to prevent Abdullah Öcalan's ideas from reaching the peoples, Fidan said: “Let them know that his ideas are circulating in parks, streets, houses, in all areas of life.” 
After the speech, passages from Abdullah Öcalan's defenses were read. The event ended after discussions on the read passages.
In the workshop organized by TJA, DBP Women's Assembly and DEM Party Women's Assembly at DEM Party Esenyurt District Organization, excerpts from Abdullah Öcalan's book “Beyond state, power and violence” were read. Citizens from all walks of life participated in the reading workshop with great interest. Before the reading, a minute of silence was held for those who lost their lives in the struggle for freedom. Then the event started with the opening speech of TJA Activist Hatice Başkalane.
Reminding that PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan has not been heard from for 42 months and has been kept under severe isolation, Başkalane said: “Abdullah Öcalan is not only the leader of Kurds. He is the leader of the whole world. His leadership, his party, as a whole, has pioneered everything. The purpose of coming together in these programs is to discuss our style, tone and attitude and reach a conclusion. We discuss and debate economic, ecological and organizational functioning. We strengthen the struggle against the existing problems.”
Afterwards, excerpts from Abdullah Öcalan's book “Beyond state, power and violence” were read and discussions were held on the relations of will, morale, trust and organization.