3 years searching for her daughter's body

  • actual
  • 10:32 7 August 2024
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ŞIRNEX - Ayşe Hezer, who lives in Hezex, has been struggling for more than 3 years for the fate of the body of her daughter Bişeng Hezer, a YJA Star fighter who lost her life in Turkey's attacks.  

The fate of the body of Bişeng Hezer, a YJA Star (Free Women Forces) fighter who lost her life on May 3, 2021 during Turkey's attacks on the Federated Kurdistan Region, has been unknown for more than 3 years. Hezer died on that date along with 6 HPG and YJA Star members in Mamreşo area in Avaşîn region. The HPG (People Defense Forces) announced that their members lost their lives due to poisonous gases. Images taken from the area where Hezer lost her life were also shared on virtual media in the following period. 
It is reported that the bodies of Hezer and her friends were seized by the soldiers after the clashes. Hezer's family applied to the prosecutor's office in Şirnex (Şırnak) many times to reach the body of their child. However, each time they received a negative response. The family was told, "There is no such body."  
Mother Ayşe Hezer, who is trying to find out the fate of her daughter, said: "Although 3 years have passed, the body has still not been returned. Her body is in the hands of the state." Reminding that images of attacks on the bodies she thought might belong to her daughter were also shared on virtual media, mother Hezer emphasized that she will not give up her struggle until she finds the body. 
Hezer said the following: "I want my daughter's bones. Give me her bones and I will bury her next to my son. Let her have a grave. I don't know what they did with the body. Did they burn it or bury it somewhere? They used chemical weapons many times. I don't know if they are withholding the body so that their use of chemical weapons is not exposed or something else. They are afraid of funerals." 
Mother Hezer asked for support from democratic mass and human rights organizations to find her daughter's body, "My only wish is to get my daughter's body. They should make all attempts for me to get the body. I also call on the Turkish state; enough is enough, don't play with our funerals anymore. Funerals cannot be tortured" she said.   
MA / Mahmut Altıntaş