SOHR: Turkey transports 400 mercenaries from Syria to the Kurdistan Region

ANKARA - The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights announced that Turkey transported 400 mercenaries from Syria to the Kurdistan Region in return for $3,000 per month to fight against the PKK.
According to the news on the official website of the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR); Turkey transported 400 members of the paramilitary groups it controls in Syria, called "Al-Sulta Suleyman Shah", "Al-Hamzah" and "Al-Sultan Murad", to the Kurdistan Region in order to fight. The news reported that it offered the individuals in question between $2,500 and $3,000 to take part in the attack.
The news included the following statements: “SOHR sources reported that the Turkish authorities forced hundreds of fighters to fight as mercenaries against the ‘Kurdistan Workers’ Party’ in the mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan, pushing them to fight there in exchange for financial temptations, exploiting the harsh living conditions and the low level of salaries offered to the fighters by the ‘National Army’ factions.”