Bayındır: We will continue to resist

COLEMÊRG - Speaking at the finale of the "March for Respect to Will", DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır said: "We will never stop, we will continue to resist for the will of our people."
The "March for Respect to Will", which was launched against the appointment of a trustee to the Colemêrg (Hakkari-Kurdistan) Municipality under the management of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) on June 3, ended with a press release. DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır also spoke in the statement made in front of Hakkari Governorship. He stated that the Kurds and their supporters have stood against the appointment of trustees since June 3.
Stating that the Kurds stood up against the oppressors, Bayındır said: “They thought that we would protest for a day or two and finish this job. But let them know that these mountains are witnesses that we will never stop and will continue to resist for the will of our people. Our heartbroken mothers, martyrs and the people of Colemêrg should know that we will resist and will not stop until we get results. Our people will defend their will. Here we stand for equality, democracy and peace. We are right for this. We will continue this resistance until we get our rights. Our march is over, but this struggle will continue and will definitely reach its conclusion."
Stating that it is right to fight against oppressors, Bayındır said: “We call on you to obey law. Do not trample your constitution and do what is necessary. Therefore, do not trample the will of the Kurds. Know that our 70-year-old mothers and 80-year-old elderly will drown you in their anger. No one will stand in the way of our will."
The statement ended with chants of "Colemêrg ya me ye (Colemêrg is ours)" after a 5-minute sit-in.