In Iran 1 kolbar killed, 4 kolbars injured

NEWS CENTER - As a result of the attack by Iranian soldiers, one kolbar was killed  and 4 kolbars were injured.
According to media reports in Rojhilat, Iranian soldiers attacked a group of kolbars (border traders) on the Newsude border of Kermanshan in the morning. Kolber named Eyüb Muhammed, registered in the Selasi Bawecan population, lost his life as a result of the attack, and 4 kolbers were injured.
It was noted that the injured kolbars were taken to Jerusalem Hospital in the city of Pawe, but their identity information was not shared.
According to the latest balance sheet published by Kolbernews, in the first 6 months of 2024, 270 kolbers, 20 of whom were under the age of 18, lost their lives or were injured as a result of attacks in different border regions of Rojhilat.