Message from Akış to the rally: We will continue to resist

NEWS CENTER - The imprisoned Co-Mayor of Colemêrg Municipality, Mehmet Sıddık Akış, sent a message to the rally against the usurpation of will: "We will continue to resist, no matter what the cost."
The rally, which started with the participation of tens of thousands of people in the city against the appointment of a trustee to the Colemêrg (Hakkari-Kurdistan) Municipality on June 3, continues. The message of Colemêrg Co-Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış, who was arrested and a trustee was appointed in his place, was read at the rally.
Akış's message is as follows: "Honourable people of Colemêrg, I salute you all with respect for the determined stance you have shown for your will. We will continue to resist no matter the cost."