Relatives of prisoners in 'Freedom' protest: We behind the demands


İZMİR - Relatives of the prisoners, who boycotted family and phone calls with demands for PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan's freedom and the solution of the Kurdish issue, emphasized that they stand behind the demands. 

The action initiated in prisons to abolish the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, ensure his physical freedom and solve the Kurdish issue continues. Prisoners continue their actions, which they started with hunger strikes on November 27, 2023, by not appearing in courts as of April 4, and by boycotting family and phone calls. Mothers who protested to meet the demands of the prisoners in Izmir also called for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Peace Mother Behiye Yalçın stated that they are fighting against the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan and said: “Isolation is imposed on all peoples. If the Kurds do not fight, this isolation will not be abolished. Everyone needs to put their hands on their conscience and take steps together. Which law, which justice will accept this situation? This isolation on us must be abolished."
Medine Kaymaz (80), mother of Bayram Kaymaz, who is prisoner in Tekirdağ Type F Prison, stated that peace is isolated together with Abdullah Öcalan. Kaymaz said: “As the isolation continues, we will expand the struggle. The door closed on Öcalan is the door of oppression. When he was first arrested, people gave up their lives and did not submit. We are protesting in front of the prison because we want peace, not war. We want everyone to support our action."
Fehime Poyraz, whose two children are in prison, said: "No one will be free until Abdullah Öcalan is free. People must say stop to this oppression. We are here, and our children continue their protests with the same demand inside. We stand behind our children until the end and will continue to fight. Whatever our children's purpose is, that is our purpose. People must support these actions and this isolation must end."
Sultan Yağmekan, the mother of Fırat Yağmekan, who is prisoner in İzmir Kırıklar Prison, noted that Abdullah Öcalan must be allowed to meet with his family and lawyers, and reminded that prisoners protesting with this demand. Yağmekan said: “Our children have diseases. We don't know what their situation is because they don't call or meet with us in prison. We are concerned about this situation. Our children's demands must be met as soon as possible and Abdullah Öcalan must be free. As long as the isolation continues, we will not give up fighting together with our children. We want justice for this country. Isolation is upon us all. As long as we want peace, they impose 'tyranny'. This is our call to all patriots; They must support our action."