Voting end in 32 centers

  • actual
  • 16:37 31 March 2024
  • |

NEWS CENTER - While voting ends in 32 centers, the ballot boxes will close at 17.00 pm in other centers.

Voting has ended in Semsûr, Agirî, Artvin, Çewlig, Bedlîs, Amed, Xarpêt, Erzîngan, Erzirom, Dîlok, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Colemêrg, Qers, Meletî, Gurgum, Mêrdîn, Mûş, Ordu, Rize, Sêrt, Sêwaz, Trabzon, Dêrsim, Riha, Wan, Bayburt, Êlih, Şirnex, Erdexan, Îdir and Kilis.
Voting in other cities will continue until 17.00 pm.