Bayındır: If you want solution, the interlocutor is Abdullah Ocalan

  • actual
  • 18:58 25 February 2024
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NEWS CENTER – Speaking at the "Freedom and Democracy" rally in Esenyurt, DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır called on the government to solve the Kurdish issue and said: "The main addressee is Abdullah Ocalan."
The "Freedom and Democracy" rally organized by the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Istanbul Provincial Organization in Esenyurt Square continues with all enthusiasm. In the rally, where enthusiasm prevailed and "Bijî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)" slogans were frequently chanted, the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) ) Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır spoke.
Bayındır, who took part in the "Great Freedom March" initiated for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the solution of the Kurdish issue, stated that they brought greetings from Kurdistan. Reminding that 30 years ago, thousands of people had to migrate to Turkey's metropolises due to village burnings, Bayındır said: "They were saying that they would disperse and destroy the Kurds and Kurdish organizations. Now, Look at this square, look at this organization, look at this freedom square."
Stating that they marched for the freedom of Abdullah Ocalan, Bayındır said: "We came together with our heroic and resistant people in Kurdistan, city by city, district by district, village by village. Today, Istanbul lends its voice to this freedom march. Kurdistan and Turkey, says 'freedom' for Leader of the Kurds Abdullah Ocalan."
Reminding that Kurdish was considered an "unknown language" in the Parliament, Bayındır said: "Today, we speak our language in the squares in Istanbul. They say, 'speak but speak at home.' We speak our language here today. We are Kurds, we are from Kurdistan."
Emphasizing that Kurds are standing up for the struggle for freedom all over the world, Bayındır said: "Today is the day of freedom and victory. Today is the day of standing up. It is our day. It is our time. There has been a hunger strike in the dungeons for 3 months. For our freedom. Thousands of our comrades are starving in dozens of dungeons. They are resisting in prison, we are resisting in the streets. We send greetings to those resisting in prisons. We are resisting against oppression. We have not bowed down for 100 years. We will not bow down today either. This stance will definitely achieve its goal. Those who miscalculated and thought they could subdue the Kurds should look at this square."
Emphasizing that Abdullah Ocalan is the interlocutor in the solution of the Kurdish issue, Bayındır said: "It is not far away. It is in Imralı. We will break this Imralı gate and provide a solution. We do not accept this isolation. If you do not want war and hostility, abolish this isolation. The interlocutor of the Kurds is clear and that is Mr. Ocalan. We send greetings to Imralı from here. Our struggle in Kurdistan will be successful. Do not make wrong calculations. Kurds want their own rights. Kurds want a solution to the end with their interlocutor."
After Bayındır's speech, the slogan "Bijî Serok Apo" was raised from the field.