New books from Aryen Publications

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  • 11:25 22 February 2024
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NEWS CENTER - Aryen Publications introduced 4 new books to the readers, one of which is in Kurdish. David McDowall's book "A Modern History of the Kurds", translated into Turkish, is also among the published books.
Aryen Publications added 4 new books to its library, one of which is in Kurdish, in the categories of memoir-novel, history, novel and essay. The third volume of Kenan Altun's memoir-novel book, which was previously published in two volumes, the essay titled "A Revolutionary with a Heart Full of Compassion" prepared by Gülistan Al, the two-volume "Newaya Berxwedanê - Zarokên" co-signed by Mûrad Yildeniz and Huseyîn Guçlu. The novel "Mala Hecî Emer" and David McDowall's "A Modern History of the Kurds" books took their places on the shelves.
Gülistan Al, who has been imprisoned since 2016 and is currently held in Kayseri Bünyan Prison, tells about her brother Şiyar Al, who lost his life in Cizre in 2016, in her essay "Reşo - A Revolutionary with a Heart Full of Compassion". The book contains Turkish-Kurdish articles and poems written by Şiyar's family members and friends.
Kenan Altun, who was born on May 19, 1973 in the Xinûs district of Erzirom, participated in the freedom struggle in 1992 and was arrested in 1996 and sentenced to life imprisonment, describes the period after 1993 in the third volume of his memoir-novel "Heval (Friend)", of which two volumes were previously published.
David McDowall's history book "A Modern History of the Kurds" was translated into Turkish by Muhammet Hizmetçi. The 662-page book begins with the title "Kurdish Identity and Social Formation". In this detailed history of the Kurds from the 19th century to the present, McDowall examines the interplay of old and new aspects of the struggle, the importance of local rivalries within the Kurd society, the enduring authority of certain forms of leadership and the failure of modern states to respond to the challenge of the Kurdish struggle.
"Newaya Berxwedanê - Zarokên Mala Hecî Emer" is a two-volume book co-authored by Mûrad Yildeniz, who was born in the Textê village of Pasûra in 1977 and has been in prison since 2008, and Huseyîn Guçlu, who was born in the Dêrewat village of Dihê in 1971 and has been in prison since 1995. The novel tells about a family that paid a great price in the struggle for freedom. The authors state that although they have their own signatures on the book, it is the product of a joint effort and that the work was created with letters, faxes and memories from dozens of people.