'If the isolation is lifted, Öcalan will bring the peace'

  • actual
  • 12:35 29 November 2023
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AMED - Drawing attention to the peace efforts of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, citizens of Amed said: "If the isolation is lifted, Öcalan will bring the peace and people will live together equally."
There has been no news from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and prisoners Ömer Hayri Konar, Veysi Aktaş and Hamili Yıldırım, who are held in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, for 33 months. While applications from Asrın Law Firm lawyers and families are rejected due to unexplained disciplinary penalties, the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign continues. Finally, political prisoners in prisons in Turkey and Kurdistan started a rotating hunger strike on November 27. Citizens from Amed, to whom we extended a microphone, demanded that the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan be lifted.
Stating if the Republic of Turkey truly wants to be respected in the field of law, it must end its isolation, Latif Bayrma said: "The Turkish state is afraid of the Democratic Republic that Mr. Öcalan defends the people. Öcalan wants peace not only for the Kurdish people but for all peoples. Mr. Öcalan wants Turks, Persians, Arabs and Kurds to live together. That's why they are afraid of their ideas. If Öcalan was outside, there would be no massacres and wars. There would be no destruction. The Turkish state is not sincere for peace. The Kurdish people and all institutions should act together to create pressure to end the isolation. When the isolation is lifted, there will be peace, people will live together equally."
Reminding that Turkey was founded by Kurds and Turks together, 70-year-old Tahir Aydın said: "The social Republic has turned into a nationalist Republic. The AKP and MHP nationalist, fascist government is imposing a heavy isolation on the leaders of the Kurdish people. We condemn this with hatred. Mr. Öcalan is the ambassador of peace both in the world and in the Middle East. The leadership is fighting for the peace of the Kurds and the rights of the Middle East. Today, they are helding Mr. Öcalan in isolation unfairly and unlawfully because they see this struggle as a detriment to themselves. A person who fights so much for peace should be free among his own people."
Sedriye Coşkun said: “We do not accept the isolation imposed on the leadership. We do not want more bloodshed. We want nothing but peace. We want a meeting with the leadership and peace to come. No more young people's blood should be shed, this isolation should be lifted."
Kadriye Sirek also wanted the isolation to end and said: “That's enough, mothers should not cry anymore. Our eyes became blind from crying. Enough is enough, the Kurdish people should not be oppressed. How long will we be oppressed? If this isolation is lifted, peace will come. We believe that the isolation will be lifted and we will win. Öcalan will bring peace to society.” 
MA / Mehmet Güleş