At least 43 people detained in Bedlis and Wan

  • actual
  • 17:01 28 November 2023
  • |

BEDLÎS/WAN - At least 43 people, including the elderly and patients, were detained in house raids in Bedlîs and Wan.

Today, many houses were raided in Xîzan (Hizan) and Tetwan (Tatvan) district centers of Bedlîs(Bitlis) and their affiliated villages. Many people were detained in house raids on the allegations of "being a member of a terrorist organization" and "aiding the terrorist  organization". Before the raid, the villages were blockaded by soldiers. Afterwards, many houses were raided.

Many houses were raided in Wan(Van) centre, Westan (Gevash) and Rêya Armûşê (İpekyolu) districts. It was stated that the operation in question was carried out within the scope of the investigation carried out in Bedlis.

It was learned that there was a confidentiality order in the investigation and a 24-hour ban on seeing a lawyer.

The number of people detained in both operations is at least 43. Among these people, there are many elderly and ill people. It is stated that the names in question will be taken to Bedlis center. While the detention operation continues, the blockage in the villages continues.

It was recorded that some people were subjected to violence during detention and that the doors and windows of houses were broken.


Some of the names detained in Bedlîs and Wan are as follows: "Süleyman Korkmaz, Medine Avcil, Abdurrahman Avcil, Şükrü Avcil, Beşir Çetin, Kerem Çetin, Turan Çetin, Agit Çetin, Welat Çetin, Sinan Çetin, Azize Çetin, Mazhar Hergül, Mahir Hergül, Şirin Hergül, Pekin Hergül, Cemal İnan, Erdal İnan, Sinan Aydın, Zakir İnan, Memixan Avras, Eylem Deniz Avras, Helin Avras, Keziban Avras, Maşallah Elmas, Şakir Arvas, Cevdet Arvas, Tahir Arvas, Murat Arvas, Zübeyde Arvas, Nurullah Arvas, Mutalip Arvas. Reşit Aydın, Emrullah Aydın, Bedrettin Gezici, Elif Gezici, Hasibe Gezici, kanser hastası İsa Gezici, Mahsun Gezici, Serkan Gezici, Mustafa Gezici, Emin Gezici, Sedat Gezici, Gürgün Çiftçi."