TTB President Fincancı: We are not going anywhere

  • actual
  • 13:04 27 November 2023
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AMED - Stating that no government likes the work they do, TTB Central Council President Şebnem Korur Fincancı said: "We are not going anywhere" regarding the lawsuit filed demanding their "dismissal".
A decision is expected to be made at the hearing of the case filed with the request for the dismissal of the members of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) Central Council (MK), which will be held in Ankara on November 30. Speaking about the case, TTB President Şebnem Korur Fincancı said that TTB is a professional organization that has always been attacked since its establishment.
Referring to the pressures on TTB, Fincancı said: “TTB is a professional organization that has been attacked at various times since its establishment. They are making some changes aimed at changing the natural structure of other organizations. In fact, states do not like to be audited. The stronger we can remind the social structure of the necessity of that control and try to create a democratic environment, the more we will make the state feel obliged to be open to control. But this opportunity does not exist in Turkey anyway. Since the society-state-citizen relationship is not established correctly and it feels like a subject and easily gives up being a subject of rights, this control process inevitably leads to the perception that a crime is being committed against the states. TTB is one of the professional organizations that carries out this inspection very strictly because we need to be involved in issues concerning public health and take a firm stand for our professional rights and values. Inevitably, no government in Turkey likes this."
Emphasizing that it was obvious that a democratic mass organization like TTB was seen as harmful, Fincancı said: “That's why the attacks against TTB were continuing. As someone who fights for human rights, I think the idea that what I say will have a greater impact under the umbrella of TTB is one of the main reasons for their dissatisfaction."
Stating that the opening of the lawsuit and the litigation process are full of irregularities, Fincancı said: “This is an attempt to devalue and discredit TTB in the eyes of society; moreover, the litigation probably has an ulterior motive such as preventing the execution of TTB's other work, paralyzing it and making us deal with lawsuits. But as TTB, we are a huge professional organization and we carry out our work with many colleagues who give their hearts and efforts. While some of us are dealing with lawsuits, some of us continue to fight for the protection of public health, for the work in the region during the earthquake, and for the rights of our colleagues; therefore, they were not very successful.”
Drawing attention that there is a risk that they may be removed from office, Fincancı said: “We do not have to be elected members of the council. We were also carrying out work when we were not members of the council. We will continue our work again. We are not going anywhere."
MA / Rukiye Adıgüzel