Imposition of being a spy on HEDEP Sûr District Co-chairperson Cömert

  • actual
  • 16:50 30 October 2023
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AMED - Diyarbakır Police forced HEDEP Sûr District Co-chair Meliha Cömert to be a spy after following her to her home.
People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Sûr District Organization Co-Chair Meliha Cömert held a press conference at her party's district building regarding the imposition of spies by the police following her. Cömert explained that on October 26, two police officers following her stopped her 100 meters away from her house, saying "We will ask questions." Stating that other police officers continued to wait in another vehicle, Cömert said that the police officers asked her, "What are your activities within the party? Are you going to continue with HEDEP from now on?"
Sur Municipality Co-Mayor Filiz Buluttekin, who attended the press conference and was replaced by a trustee, said: "We do not accept these approaches." HEDEP Amed Provincial Co-chair Pınar Sakık Tekin said: "Women who engage in democratic politics are the target of the government. Fascist governments tried to put this pressure on, sometimes in the courts, sometimes through law enforcement forces and sometimes through paramilitary forces. They tried to distance our youth, political cadres and women from democratic politics by putting pressure on them."
Referring to the pressure on Sûr District Co-Chair Meliha Cömert, Sakık said: “Lastly, our co-chair Meliha Cömert was followed to her home by people who identified themselves as police officers and tried to unlawfully interrogate her. This approach is actually the survival of the masculine mentality hidden in the roots of the system. We will not hesitate to pay the price against oppression. As women and pioneers of democratic politics, we will not hesitate to pay the price from now on."
The statement ended with the slogan "Jin jiyan azadi".