'The prison director threatened the prisoners'

  • actual
  • 10:35 16 October 2023
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AMED - Fırat Gerekli, who is arrested in Iğdır Type S Closed Prison, stated that he and his friends were threatened and said: "If anything happens to us, the director of the prison will be responsible."
Political prisoners Sezer Alan in Iğdır Type S Closed Prison, which has previously been on the agenda with torture and ill-treatment, on February 20, 2022; Sinan Kaya died suspiciously on March 20, 2022. Fırat Gerekli, who is arrested in the same prison, stated in a telephone conversation with his family yesterday that he and his friends were subjected to threats.
Gerekli, who told his family that he and his prison friends had been threatened by the director of the prison for a while, said: “Prisoners have lost their lives in this prison under suspicious circumstances before. If the same thing happens to me, the director of the prison is responsible."
Father Kadir Gerekli, on the other hand, stated that he was worried about his son's life safety and said: "While nothing is obvious, my son and his friends are being threatened by the director of the prison. What does threatening mean? The deaths in that prison had been made to look like suicide before. I'm calling out to the authorities. My son should not be held in that prison, he should be brought somewhere near me. I live in Bursa and I haven't been able to visit him for 2 and a half years."