Law tightening the headscarf obligation in Iran passed by the parliament

  • actual
  • 15:00 20 September 2023
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NEWS CENTER - The law tightening the headscarf obligation in Iran was accepted by the parliament.
On the first anniversary of the murder of Jîna Emînî, the Iranian Parliament approved the law that provides for fines, blocking of banking services and judicial proceedings for violations of the compulsory headscarf law. According to the news in IRNA, the draft law titled "Supporting Chastity and Headscarf Culture", sent to the parliament with the signature of President Ibrahim Reisi, was put to vote. 152 MPs voted "yes" in the voting, where 34 out of 201 MPs voted "no" and 7 abstained. The Parliament also decided to put the law into trial practice for 3 years.
Women who violate the compulsory headscarf rule will be "warned" in the first stage via text messages and similar methods, and those who ignore this and violate the headscarf rule again will be fined. If the fine is not paid within one month, the fine will be automatically deducted from the person's bank account.
If it is not possible to collect the fines for any reason, the person will be prohibited from performing any banking transactions, including issuing and renewing a debit card, covering all banks and credit institutions. Objections to penalties can be made within 10 days.
In case of violation for the fourth time, in addition to a fine, it is envisaged that the person will be sued by the judiciary and arrested if deemed necessary. In previous media reports, a prison sentence of up to 10 years was foreseen for such a violation.
Businesses that violate the law may be temporarily sealed within the scope of the sanction regulation and may be excluded from tax exemptions offered by the state. A lawsuit can be filed against those who violate the law among those who engage in social, political, cultural, artistic or sports activities, demanding fines, bans from professional activities and, in the last stage, imprisonment, depending on the number of violations.
The bill also states that those who commit crimes such as insulting, slandering, threatening, attacking or violating the privacy of women who do not comply with the headscarf rule will be sued by the judiciary within the framework of the relevant laws.