Kobané Film Festival is over

KOBANÊ- Kobané International Film Festival that was held for the first time this year ended with the presentation of the rewards. Some of the juries were not able to attend and decide watching the movies on the internet due to not being allowed passage by the Federal Kurdistan Region Government.
More than 400 films, short films, animations and documentaries applied.
80 films were presented in the festival some of which were shoot in Rojava with the themes "women" and "resistance".
The festival ended with the presentation of the rewards.
Best Fictional Short Film: Breathing/Farshid Ayoubi Nejad (İran)
Best Animation Short Film: A Gong/ZozoJhen - Tena Galovic-Marine Varguy (Fransa)
Best Women's Short Film:  Asia/Yen-Chen Liu- EllisKa-yin Chan (Fas)
Best Woman Director: Agua Mole/Malika Zairi (Portekiz) 
Best Documentary: Dûr (Distant)/Leyla Toprak (Türkiye) 
People's Special Award: Bîr/Veysi Altay (Bakûrê Kurdistan)
Best Feature Documentary Film: Bêdengiya kesên din/Almudena Carracedo-Robert Bahar (İspanya)
Jury’s Special Award: Efrîn Film Commune