Armed attack on concert hall in Moscow: 14 dead 2024-03-22 21:50:21 NEWS CENTER - An armed attack occurred at the concert hall in Moscow, the capital of Russia, and according to unofficial statements, at least 14 people lost their lives.   An armed attack occurred at the concert hall in Moscow, the capital of Russia. Tass news agency reported that there was also an explosion in the Crocus City Hall, where the concert hall where the attack took place is located. RIA Novosti news agency also reported that at least three people dressed in combat uniforms fired weapons.   14 PEOPLE DIED   According to unofficial statements, at least 14 people died in the attack. It was stated that riot police were sent to the area while people were being evacuated. While it was reported that there were still people trapped in the concert hall, the first statement came from the Mayor of Moscow. Stating that a great tragedy occurred, the mayor expressed condolences for those who died.   It was said that more than 50 ambulances were sent to the scene.