TJA: Neither conspiracy nor isolation cut our ties with Ocalan 2024-02-15 14:35:09 AMED – Condemning the international conspiracy against PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan on the anniversary, Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA-Free Women's Movement) said in its statement: "Neither conspiracy nor isolation or any dirty and dark policy could cut Mr. Ocalan's bond with us." Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA-Free Women's Movement) published a written statement on the 25th anniversary of the surrender of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan to Turkey as a result of an international conspiracy on February 15, 1999.   In the statement, it was pointed out that the conspiracy against Ocalan has exceeded a quarter of a century, and said: "There has been no news from Mr. Ocalan since March 25, 2021, who has been held under severe isolation conditions in Imralı Type F High Security Prison, where domestic law, international law and international agreements were violated as a result of the conspiracy. As the isolation regime imposed on Mr. Ocalan deepens, the whole society, especially women, is put under equal pressure, and all roads to a peaceful life and a democratic society are closed."   THE CONSPIRACY COULD NOT CUT OUR TIES WITH OCALAN'   It was also stated that the support of the people of Kurdistan and Turkey, especially women and young people, for Ocalan's resistance was and continues to be the strongest response to the conspiracy and isolation regime.   In the statement it was said: “The conspiratorial forces must know that; Neither conspiracy nor isolation or any dirty and dark policy could cut Mr. Ocalan's bond with us. One of the areas where this bond is most visible these days is the Great Freedom March, also led by women. In this context, we, as TJA, salute the Great Freedom March, which is held to end the isolation regime carried out as a continuation of the international conspiracy and to defeat the oppression of fascism against the people of Turkey and Kurdistan.”   'HIS PHYSICAL FREEDOM MUST BE PROVIDED'   The statement underlined the need to meet with Abdullah Ocalan as soon as possible and continued as follows: "We re-emphasize that the main interlocutor of all social issues, especially the democratic and peaceful solution of the Kurdish issue, is Mr. Ocalan and that we should meet with him as soon as possible. The women's liberation paradigm developed by Mr. Ocalan against the forces that seek the insolubility of the Kurdish issue in destruction, in denial and in genocide will be the biggest step towards a free and democratic life. The only way to make this paradigm vital is to ensure his unconditional physical freedom.   A CALL TO THE RESISTANCE AGAINST ISOLATION   As TJA, we reiterate that we see ensuring the freedom of Leader of the Kurds Abdullah Ocalan as the most fundamental part of our resistance that we continue on the basis of 'Jin Jîyan Azadî'. The support and strength of all women from Kurdistan and Turkey in our struggle for Mr. Ocalan's freedom will be the broadest and most organized basis for ensuring democracy and women's liberation. On this anniversary of the international conspiracy, we once again condemn the conspiratorial forces with hatred. We call on all women, all segments of the democratic society, international institutions and organizations to ensure social liberation by increasing the resistance against the conspiracy and the isolation regime of this conspiracy, and to shout for real justice against all unlawful and illegal practices carried out in Imralı.”