Kışanak: As the twin candidates list their promises, they are sinking 2024-03-14 15:32:46   ANKARA – DEM Party Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Candidate Gültan Kışanak said in her post: “As the twin candidates list their promises, they are sinking. There is no service, no vision, no mission in the capital.”    It was shared on the campaign account of People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Candidate prisoner Gültan Kışanak on the X platform.   The following statements of Kışanak were included in the post: “As the twin candidates list their promises, they are sinking. There is no service, no vision, no mission in the capital! 25 years of AKP municipality + 5 years of Mansur Municipality, + 22 years of AKP rule! Mashallah, they are all very national!   Ankara's traffic problem has not been solved, public transportation services are insufficient, there is no metro in many districts and airports, the water flowing from the tap is not healthy, there is no water or sewage in some districts and villages."