HEDEP Co-Chairs: Kobanê resistance illuminates our future 2023-11-01 16:46:08 ANKARA - Celebrating İnternational Kobanê Day, HEDEP Co-Chairs Tülay Hatımoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan said: "The Kobanê resistance and the internationalist solidarity of the people of the world enlighten our today and tomorrow."   Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Co-Chairs Tülay Hatımoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan published a written statement in Kurdish, Turkish, English and Arabic regarding the 1 November İnternational Kobanê Day. Co-Chairs said: “We celebrate the International Kobanê Day, which is a symbol of common struggle and enlightenment. "On its 9th anniversary, we salute the victory of humanity against the darkness of ISIS in Kobanê.'   'WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE OF ROJAVA'   The following statements were included in the statement: "The government in Turkey wants to come to terms with the common struggle and victory of light that emerged in Kobanê through the courts under its command. We promise once again to expand the struggle to our friends who are tried in the Kobanê Conspiracy Case. We know that the attacks on the territory of the North-East Syrian Administration are aimed at completing what ISIS could not do. We will never give up solidarity with the people of Rojava, where a common and democratic life has blossomed. The Kobanê Resistance and the internationalist solidarity of the peoples of the world illuminate our present and future. Happy November 1st Internatıonal Kobani Day to all the oppressed peoples of the world, especially the Kurdish people.”