Prisoners beaten in Van Prison 2025-03-18 10:05:22   WAN - It is stated that the wardens raided the wards in Van High Security Prison and beat the prisoners on the ground.    Lawyers met with prisoners in Van High Security Prison upon the allagation that two prisoners who were taken to the ward from the infirmary were beaten by the wardens. During the meetings, prisoners stated that the rooms were raided by the wardens, prisoners were made to lie on the floor and were subjected to torture. After the meetings the Lawyers reported: "The incident happened on9 March at noon. This incident took place when 3 prisoners who went to use their right to make phone calls were returning from their phone calls. When the prisoners were returning from the phone call, they saw that there were many guards in the corridor where the wards were located and they said loudly that there wold be ward searches. Seeing this, the guards intervened and put the prisoner on the ground, stepping on his back with their feet. Although the prisoner said that he had a herniated disc, they did not give up the intervention and increased the violence. All wards in the corridor reacted to the intervention, which continued with many guards entering the corridor, and knocked on the doors. Then all political wards are also intervened."   APPLICATION TO THE PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE AND THE MINISTRY   The lawyers stated that the prisoners were informed that the wards numbered C-9, C-13, C-16, C-33, C-21 were raided and everyone was forced to lie on the floor, and added that the following information was shared with them "During the intervention, all prisoners were tortured by using insults and threats. After the incident, a prisoner named Yusuf Mustafa was taken to hospital to get a battering report. Afterwards, disciplinary proceedings were initiated against all prisoners in the intervened wards and their defences were demanded."   Prisoners filed a criminal complaint to Van Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and demanded an administrative investigation to the Ministry of Justice. Prisoners also called on legal organisations to visit the prison.